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Sponsorship Opportunities - High-Resolution Depth Profiling
June 27th - 30th, 2011





Program Committee


Chair : I. Vickridge (Paris)

V. Esaulov (Orsay)

P. Roncin (Orsay)

M. D’Angelo (paris)                

D. Schmaus (Paris)

D. Jalabert (Grenoble)           

J-J. Ganem (Paris)

C Deville-Cavellin (Paris)

» More details

Key figures



Sponsorship Opportunities


HRDP6 will bring together an influential international group of scientists specialized in high resolution ion beam techniques, thin film deposition techniques, and manipulation of high precision instruments under ultra-high vacuum. We invite companies and institutions interested in privileged access to this group to sponsor conference activities. A range of sponsorship options is envisaged, ranging from inclusion of promotional material in the Conference satchel, operation of a manned commercial stand during the conference, sponsorship of refreshments for the Poster Session, and sponsorship of Sunday Cocktails through to full sponsorship of the Gala dinner. We are open to other propositions : we invite you to contact Catherine Deville (catherine.deville_at_insp.jussieu.fr) or the conference chairman if you are interested.

Emrick Briand - 13/09/10